Teamwork and Synergy

Teamwork and Synergy

As companies look for ways to work in conjunction across departments — in hybrid or remote environments, for example — the buzzword “synergy” has made its way back into the conversation. This time, it’s being employed as a term to denote a negative corporate attitude but rather to describe a profound collaborative process that’s widely sought after.

Synergy is based on concept that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The positive synergy that arises from this is what enables teams to accomplish more than they could by themselves, and it also creates a platform for team members to be their full selves at work, with their unique experiences in life, perspectives, talents, and communication styles.

On the other hand, negative synergy can make teams feel sluggish and cause them to produce subpar deliverables despite each person’s specific skills. This is typically caused by miscommunication or conflicts over responsibilities, roles and schedules.

To avoid these problems to avoid these issues, it is essential to build a solid foundation of trust and cooperation by clearly defining their vision for the project and clearly defining the role of each team member in this. The easiest way to do this is to use a collaborative role mapping process which is where each team member works together with their peers to establish clear records of who is responsible for what and when. This helps reduce confusion and saves time, energy, and conflict for teams. It also makes it easier for managers to assist and coach teams when needed.

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