
Recovery Stories from Substance Use Disorder I Psych Central

They immediately believed my sexuality was a choice I made and that my friends turned me gay. My younger self couldn’t understand how one small detail about my life could make me feel so unworthy of their love. However, it’s also the case that loss of control is not absolute or completely determined by pharmacology. […]

Accounting consulting: How to become an accounting consultant Thomson Reuters

Obviously, the fee itself is going to depend on the scope and nature of the work. Hourly rates for accounting consultants range from $27.39 (Tampa, FL) to $44.39 (Washington, D.C.). Shifting demographics, changes in consumer behavior, a dynamic tax and regulatory environment, technology, and a multitude of other factors are having a profound impact on […]

HedgeTokens Unveiled on HootDex: Revolutionizing Risk Mitigation in the Digital Asset Market The UCW Newswire

One of the main products that make up the Hedge Project and its platform is the Crypto Indices. These are the very first of their type, a set of commercial cryptocurrency indices that include the official rulebooks. When they are complete, there will be a long list of indices for investors to view, including the […]

Paid Search Data Driven Approach 2020: FINANCE

Еще одной важной характеристикой paid search трафика является его масштабируемость. Рекламодатели могут определять свой бюджет и ставку за клик, что позволяет управлять расходами и доходами от рекламной кампании. Основной характеристикой paid search трафика является его целевая направленность. Например, добавление товара в корзину, посещение определенных страниц на сайте, карточек товаров и т.п. Рекомендуем составить матрицу с […]