Adding Selling Price Groups:

  1. Go to products -> Selling Price Group
  1. Click on “Add” button to add a new price group. For example Retail price or WholeSale price or Bulk Purchase price or Location 1 price etc as per your wish.
  2. You can view a list of selling prices in “Selling Price Group” screen.

Adding price for different price groups:

Adding Price for selling price groups

  1. In Add/Edit product screen in the bottom, you will find the button “Save & Add Selling-price-group price”. Click on that button. Note: this button will not be visible if there are no selling price groups.
  2. In the next screen, you will see the list of the product name (if variable product then all variations), the default price & selling price groups price. Enter the prices for it.
  3. Click on Save.

Selling at a particular price group:

  1. Go to POS.
  2. In the top, you will see the list of selling price groups. Select the one as per your requirement.
  3. Note: This will not be visible if there are no selling price groups or if a user is assigned only one particular price group only.
    Select the prie group & the selling prices for the product will be as per the price group.

Assigning a user to a particular price group:

  1. Sometime you may want to assign a particular or few selected price group to a user. In that case, create a role with the desired permission & price group assigned.
  2. You must assign at least one price group for a role if that role has permission to sell.


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